Residential interiors are obviously much freer and much more personal for both the interior designer and the occupants than other types of interiors. In fact, homes that have been designed unconsciously by creative occupants without any standard decorative rules are often the most beautiful ones. Small size apartments are notoriously difficult to decorate - especially within smaller layouts. The simplest approach is to create a coordinated style that extends throughout the entire home, but that option can restrict the creativity and expressive potential of the occupants. 4 lotus interior professionals will guide you with trending ideas for your home.
One of the biggest arenas for designers is residential design, or the interiors of spaces in which people live. This can include houses, apartments, condos, and anywhere else where people reside. The architect may build the house, but it's the interior designer's job to make it a home. The dining space should be near the food-preparation area, and the food-preparation area should be accessible to the entrance used to bring in food supplies and remove waste. Access to children’s sleeping areas should not be through the adults’ living spaces. Access to bathrooms should be close to the bedroom areas and should not be through living or dining spaces.